Healing from Depression

Why I Didn't End My Life

Episode Summary

In this video, author and depression counselor Douglas Bloch shares why he did not attempt to harm himself while he was suicidal in the hopes that other people will use the same deterrents.

Episode Notes

To contribute to this channel so that its healing information can reach more people, visit https://patreon.com/douglasbloch 

For more information on how to survive a suicidal crisis, please visit my suicide prevention website, https://www.overcomingsuicidalpain.com

To visit my depression recovery website, go to http://healingfromdepression.com 

To sign up for free weekly videos on depression recovery click here: https://forms.aweber.com/form/31/578698531.htm 

When Going Through Hell .... Don't Stop! is now available as an audiobook on Audible. Click below to view the book. https://www.audible.com/pd/B08Y3XK1GJ/?source_code=AUDFPWS0223189MWT-BK-ACX0-242573&ref=acx_bty_BK_ACX0_242573_rh_us 

To view the original youtube video of this episode, click here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7AmojmNCyfg